Eligibility Criteria

There are no open ADMIRE programme calls. The details below are provided for information only.

Eligibility criteria apply to both the applicant and the application.

Full eligibility criteria are outlined in the Guide for Applicants and Terms and Conditions documents. All applicants should make sure they have read these in full. Additional guidance is provided on the various application templates and in the FAQ section.

Applicant Eligibility

An applicant may be of any nationality but must meet both the experienced researcher eligibility criterion and the transnational mobility criterion. Both the experienced researcher and the transnational mobility eligibility criteria must be met on or by the call deadline (01 May 2022).

An experienced researcher is one who, at the time of the call deadline, holds a PhD or has 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience.

Research experience is a period of activity in research proven by e.g. a work contract, a scholarship, a study certificate.

Full-time equivalent Research Experience is measured from the date when a researcher obtained the degree entitling them to embark on a doctorate (either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited), even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged.

To meet the transnational mobility rule, the applicants must not have lived, resided or carried out their primary activity in Ireland for more than 12 months of the 36 months up to the call deadline.

Application Eligibility

Applications must be made online through the dedicated Good Grant portal for the ADMIRE Programme. All relevant documents and sections of the online form must be uploaded and completed in full. Please make sure you use the appropriate templates: please observe all formatting instructions.

The The proposal must be complete and in English and must be received on or before the call deadline through the online application system. Only one application per applicant may be submitted.

The proposals must adhere to the ethical standards applicable to the MSCA and ADMIRE programmes.

The proposal must be within an ADMIRE theme and identify an ADMIRE Supervisor. The supervisor named for the project must agree to act as supervisor, hosting the Fellow, for the duration of the Fellowship. The proposal must be able to be conducted while hosted at the institution of the ADMIRE supervisor.

All relevant rules, regulations and instructions are contained in the Guide for Applicants and Terms and Conditions documents

First published: 07 January 2022 Last updated: 01 May 2022
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